When Par Bay Big Local (PBBL) was first established in 2010, it was felt that the area was perhaps disadvantaged in some respects relating to health, eg two excellent GP surgeries but often quite distant from the more heavily populated parts of our area, no NHS dentist, low incomes and lower life expectancy, higher rates of teenage pregnancy.
As a result, PBBL undertook to support local projects which would help overcome some of the local difficulties in accessing health services and to encourage activities that could lead to improved health and healthier diets. Funding awards in this category – and feedback from recipients – include:
2012: Doubletrees School – Cat Garden & Sensory Environment
Phase 1 undertaken – crucial preparatory work for main project. (Long-term, major project to develop School grounds)
“A site survey was arranged in order to prepare planning drawings for the construction of the main project. Preparing a significant bid for monies for main project. Complexity and size of project have caused some delays but on track to prepare documentation.”
2012: St Blaise Hands Together Residents Association – Zumba Dance Classes
“Classes were arranged with an external dance teacher. It has been a very good community learning experience and, as an added bonus, the children and adults enjoyed it very much – great fun! It would incur quite high costs to continue on a permanent basis. To continue with exercise to music in order to keep costs down. There have been requests for more exercise to music sessions to help improve health, fitness and general wellbeing, both for children and adults.”
2013: St Blaise Meet & Greet – RCLP
“Regular Group meetings were established. The Group met in St Blazey and allowed locals and those from surrounding areas to meet and share interests and problems, reducing isolation and improving mental health. The Group is open for anyone to attend.”
2013: Recreational Fitness Classes, Crèche and Baby Changing Facility – Par St Mary’s Methodist Church
“Free of charge weekly “Body Workout” classes commenced, with a wide range of attendees. Accessible sessions run by a retired health professional have been enjoyed by young mothers and more senior members of the local community, with a number of young children also benefitting from the supervised safe play area and crèche facility.
RCLP has since had to close due to shortage of funding, but the Group continued independently and has now moved to Par church hall. The Group plan to continue without a paid leader and look forward to on-going support from the community.”
2014: FLEET – Chris Wilson – Defibrillator for St Blazey
“Public defibrillator installed in St Blazey. Was only seeking £300 but was awarded £1000. A local electrician agreed to install the device free of charge and St Blazey Football Club agreed to meet the annual running costs.
2013: Fowey Netball Club – Equipment, subsidies for kit items and promotion
FNC is based in Tywardreath. New Club kit acquired and new members attracted (including girls from the PBBL area).
Maintaining our Club’s existence has proven difficult at times. However, the money we were awarded has helped us to “stay alive”. We have our own identity now with a very striking Club kit. The money also enabled us to join the County’s league. We had to get certain equipment (first aid kit, score board). It also carries on-going costs such as hall hire and umpire fees. We have had some new players attend who are very excited to be part of our Club, some of who are of the younger generation which is promising.
2012: St Blazey Football Club – Contribution towards feasibility study for Sports Project
“Long-term, major project for proposed sports & Community Hall.”
2013: Par St Marys Methodist Church – Promotion (Improved Visibility)
“New signage acquired and blinds to be installed shortly.”
“New signage has helped us to promote regular activities and special events at the Church. The new “swinger” sign is eye-catching and more stable (less of a risk to the public). This can be used by other groups using the church premises. The small banner will help people identify activities with the Church which isn’t easily visible from the road.
The Church is celebrating its 150th anniversary and the new resources will be used on many occasions to promote events. The blinds (with a thermal backing which will help reduce energy consumption) have yet to be installed, but will benefit users of the projection system when the sun comes out, eg Deaf & Hard of Hearing Group.”
2013: Celtic Warriors – Tae Kwon-Do Training Equipment
“A range of martial arts practice pads were purchased which can be used by students of all ages and abilities. The equipment has allowed us to train more effectively, by allowing more students to participate at the same time and providing a safe way of trying out new techniques and forms.
The equipment has improved all of the students’ techniques, confidence and self-esteem. The younger students have found this new equipment easier to handle than the few old practice pads we had as they are lighter weight. We also decided to purchase some hanging punch bags and now run a new additional Sunday squad training session to enable students to build up stamina for competition events. We plan to continue to promote the Club and welcome new members.”
2014: FLEET – Liz Hawken -Defibrillator for Tywardreath
“Contribution made towards Tywardreath defibrillator which was installed on 10.12.14. Installation “gave the village peace of mind that if anyone had a stroke there is help close at hand.”
“Pleased how quickly raising over £3000 took place. Plans to keep the defibrillator in the minds of the village and collect some £350 each year to cover the maintenance required.”
“If you really believe in what you are raising money for people will respond – also it just takes a little hard work!”
2016: Community Garden
The Community Garden was set up with the help of many local residents to provide a space to sit, garden or create an event. It has seen Apple Days, Beavers planting in wellies, Brownies making scarecrows, picnics, families planting.
From a wilderness came an abundance of flowers and vegetables to be enjoyed by all.
We have been growing our own vegetables in the Community Garden with a “Pick your Ow” option for a small donation and a Produce Share on Sunday mornings.
2017: Health Walks (Walking for Health)
Par Bay Big Local’s first health walk took place in April 2018 and a growing number of regulars have been enjoying the benefits of a free, weekly walk in good company ever since. We walk on Mondays (excluding Bank Holidays), meeting at Par Bay’s Community Garden for 1015, ready to walk at 1030 for up to an hour before post-walk refreshments. We hope to develop additional routes for the future.
Activities with other people can improve wellbeing as well as improving fitness.
Cornubia has proved an ideal venue with many plans to increase activities in the future.