8 Week Creative Well Being Course with Belinda Latimer.

Date(s) – 21/11/2019
10:00 am – 12:00 pm




Have you wanted to be more creative, but have no idea where to start?

Join Artist and Creative Well Being workshop tutor, Belinda Latimer for this 8 week course….

When was the last time that you picked up a pencil? Drew or painted?

This course is aimed at you if you haven’t been creative for a while, for whatever reason.

Do you need some time for just you, to lift off any stress or overwhelm?

You will be able to engage and experiment with art and creativity, whilst boosting your well being.

Experience new skills and techniques to help you become more creatively confident.

Play with paint, inks and charcoal. Twist wire and create marvellous pieces of art.

Aimed at beginners and the more experienced artist.

Priced at £143 per person, including all materials, refreshments and tutor time.

Call Belinda on 07545 865217 for more information and to book your space.


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